Davanzo: First Responders, Local Governments Get Boost From LSA Grants
March 26, 2024
HARRISBURG – Local Share Account grants, distributed by the Commonwealth Finance Authority, will help fire departments purchase needed communications and other equipment, Rep. Eric Davanzo (R-Westmoreland) announced today.
“Local Share Account funds are the result of casino revenue and many of these dollars are going to volunteer fire departments,” Davanzo said. “I can think of no better way to invest these dollars than to assist those who are sacrificing their own safety for their neighbors.”
Rostraver Central Volunteer Fire Department is receiving $25,000 for new portable radios that will allow firefighters to use a regional radio system and provide interoperability with surrounding counties. The North Belle Vernon Volunteer Fire Department is receiving $7,000 for new hoses and nozzles. The Scottdale Fire Department is receiving $32,140 to purchase new, self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) harness packs.
Local Share Account grants support economic development, job training, community improvement and public interest projects through gaming funds. The CFA is an independent agency of the Department of Community and Economic Development. It distributes funding through several programs dedicated to economic growth.
Other grants include:
• North Belle Vernon Borough, replacement of sidewalks along the borough building, the police station and the public library, $41,460.
• Rostraver Township, purchase of two utility vehicles to be used by the police department and road department, $21,695.
• Scottdale Borough, purchase of a new municipal work truck, $67,774.
• South Huntingdon Township, replacement of handrails at municipal building, $30,636.
• North Huntingdon Township, new tractor and boom mower, $70,000, worked in cooperation with Rep. George Dunbar (R-Westmoreland).
“It was a big help to have support from our friends in Senate as well,” Davanzo said. “Advocacy by Sens. Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland) and Pat Stefano (R-Westmoreland/Fayette/Somerset/Bedford) made these grant awards possible.”
Representative Eric Davanzo
58th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jordan Frei
RepDavanzo.com / Facebook.com/RepDavanzo
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