Constitutional Carry of a Firearm
House Bill 565 would create a two-tiered system for the concealed carrying of firearms for lawful purposes in Pennsylvania.
House Bill 565 would create a two-tiered system for the concealed carrying of firearms for lawful purposes in Pennsylvania.
Use these tips to stay safe when hunting this season.
House Bill 1218 would give decision-making power to organizations that run youth sports regarding whether children under 18 should wear masks while participating in those sports.
Representative Davanzo takes the podium to recognize and honor a service member who gave his life in action.
Representative Eric Davanzo of the 58th district explains the latest events and bills moving through the House and Senate, particularly HB 1300, the Voting Rights Protection Act.
PA State Rep. Eric Davanzo participates in House debate and was proud to support SB 618 to prohibit vaccine passports by government entities in Pennsylvania.
In this week’s edition of "On Target," PA House Second Amendment Caucus Chairman Matthew Dowling talks with Rep. Eric Davanzo of Westmoreland County, as well as Val Finnell of Gun Owners of America, about House Bill 924. The bill would remove the subjective “character and reputation” component of the application for the Pennsylvania License to Carry Firearms (LCTF). It also would also require the attorney general's office to seek and establish reciprocity agreements with every state and prohibit unilateral withdraw from any reciprocity agreement.
Chairman of the PA House Aging and Older Adults Committee Rep. Gary Day leads a press conference to promote measures that will help enhance the life of older adults.
Representative Eric Davanzo introduces legislation that will protect the religious liberties of residents in PA’s long-term care facilities.
Representative Eric Davanzo makes remarks about minimum wage.
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