Davanzo Recognizes Rostraver Woman’s Club Member
April 4, 2024
Pennsylvania State Rep. Eric Davanzo (R-Westmoreland) was welcomed at the Rostraver Woman’s Club monthly meeting Wednesday to celebrate one of its members. Judy Yoskosky has been a dedicated member of the organization for 56 years, regularly participating in fundraising and donation efforts. Yoskosky is also a Rostraver Public Library board member, where she and her late husband, Raymond, donated a patio area when the library was constructed, and where she volunteers in the library’s knitting club. Well-known throughout the Rostraver community as an educator and businesswoman, she is also a 13-year cancer survivor and, in her mid-80s, is still extremely active and exercises regularly.
Representative Eric Davanzo
58th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jordan Frei
RepDavanzo.com / Facebook.com/RepDavanzo

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